Friday, May 13, 2011

Home Renovations Continue at 'Full Throttle'!

Renovations of Full Throttle's new home are progressing nicely. Seemingly a rather daunting task at first, a large amount of trash has been removed from all areas of our space. This necessary first step cleared the way for the shop area, break room, storage area, and covered porch to be ready for the improvements necessary to allow Full Throttle to live out our mission.

One of our first major projects was to install a sufficient amount of fluorescent overhead lighting. This involved the help of a fair number of Full Throttle members over the course of several weeks. Due to these efforts, we now have a respectable number of overhead fluorescent lighting fixtures. While we may opt to add additional fixtures in the future, the improvements made over the past month provide ample light for our continued renovation projects. These lighting improvements also provide a solid foundation for when we're ready to take on projects where we can really get some grease and grime under our nails.

The second of our major projects was to renovate the meeting / break room. Again, more improvements may be forthcoming but we now have a functional room from which to take care of the spiritual aspects of our group such as prayer, devotionals, study groups, business meetings, etc. First, all of the belt-line shelving from the break room was removed and recycled into a number of "high-top" workbenches. Next, the wall covering was repaired in those places where it was damaged during removal of the shelves. Finally, boards were stained and installed sort of as a wide "chair rail" molding around the perimeter of the room to cover the spots where the shelving had been attached to the wall.

Much more progress has been made... stay tuned for new posts with more info!

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